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Reactive "VS" Series VS Reactive dyestuff are reactives dyes possessing
Vinyl Sulphone as the reactive group. In the precence of Alkali, these dyes chemically react with the hydroxyl group of cellulose
and form firm, covalent linkages. These dyes are versatile enought to suit different dyeing methods. Results are excellent
and shade come clean and brilliant with no variation in dyeing as well as in printing. VS dyestuff possess poor affinity for cellulosic fibers in absence of salt and alkalies. For this reasons, they are
suitable for use on pad. Their substantivity can be increased by addition of Glauber's salt or common salt and alkali, making
the dyestuff suitable on all conventional dyeing machines for loose material, yarn, in hanks and packages and piece goods.
The dyeing methods may therefore, be in alkaline medium inactivation of the dyestuff by reaction with water takes place as
a side reaction. The main features of VS dyes are:
Reactive "VS" Series
Shades and Properties
Reactive Dyes
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