Solvent Dyes - Colorantes a la Grasa Dyes that are soluble in organic solvents or nonpolar materials
are known as Solvent Dyes. These dyes are used to color organic solvents, hydrocarbon fuels, waxes, lubricants, and other
hydrocarbon-based nonpolar materials. Their molecules are typically nonpolar or little polar, no producing ionization, therefore
insoluble or very little soluble in water.
Se clasifican como colorantes solventes o a la
grasa son aquellos colorantes solubles en solventes organicos a materiales apolares. Estos colorantes son usados para
darle color a los solventes organicos, combustibles, cera, parafina, lubricantes, grasas y otros hidrocarburos no polares.
La molecula de estos colorantes es no polar o presenta muy baja polaridad y es por ello que son insolubles o muy poco solubles
en agua.
Solvent Dyes Applications
leather polishes shoe polish car polish floor polishes printing inks wax crayons pigment masterbatches colouring polymers wax coatings candles and filling and insulating compounds for electrical components and circuits YELLOWS - AMARILLOS
Product Name | C.I. No. | Novactsolv
Oil Yellow A | Solvent Yellow 2 | Novactsolv
Fluo. Yellow 6GF | Solvent Yellow 5 | Novactsolv
Yellow R | Solvent Yellow 14 | Novactsolv
Yellow 4G | Solvent Yellow 33 | Novactsolv
Fluo. Yellow D | Solvent Yellow 44 | Novactsolv
Oil Yellow DE | Solvent Yellow 56 | Novactsolv
Fluo. Yellow 3G | Solvent Yellow 98 | Novactsolv
Fuel Yellow LVN | Solvent Yellow 124 | Novactsolv
Yellow FP | Solvent Yellow 135 | Novactsolv
Yellow GFW | Solvent Yellow 141 | Novactsolv
Fluo. Yellow 10GN | Solvent Yellow 160:1 | Novactsolv
Yellow 3GL | Solvent Yellow 176 |
Product Name | C.I. No. | Novactsolv
Violet 2B | Solvent Violet 13 | Novactsolv
Violet RS | Solvent Violet 26 | Novactsolv
Violet 3R | Solvent Violet 36 | Novactsolv
Violet FBL | Solvent Violet 37 | Novactsolv
Violet 3B | Solvent Violet 38 |
BLUE - AZUL Product Name | C.I. No. | Novactsolv Blue B | Solvent Blue 35 | Novactsolv
Blue A | Solvent Blue 36 | Novactsolv Blue FR |
Solvent Blue 59 | Novactsolv Blue GN | Solvent Blue 63 | Novactsolv Blue 2R |
Solvent Blue 68 | Novactsolv Blue 2G | Solvent Blue 78 |
ORANGE - NARANJA Product Name | C.I. No. | Novactsolv Orange GDC | Solvent Orange 2 | Novactsolv Orange Y | Solvent Orange 3 | Novactsolv Orange
2W | Solvent Orange 23 | Novactsolv Orange 3G | Solvent Orange 60 | Novactsolv Orange R | Solvent Orange 62 | Novactsolv Orange G | Solvent Orange
86 |
REDS - ROJOS Product Name | C.I.
No. | Novactsolv Red 4B | Solvent Red
24 | Novactsolv Oil Red S | Solvent Red 25 | Novactsolv Oil Red MXB | Solvent Red 26 | Novactsolv Scarlet Y | Solvent Red 30 | Novactsolv
Scarlet CB | Solvent Red 32 | Novactsolv Red BN | Solvent Red 33 | Novactsolv Red B | Solvent Red 49 | Novactsolv Red 5B | Solvent Red
52 | Novactsolv Red 79 | Solvent Red 79 | Novactsolv Red GS | Solvent Red 111 |
GREEN, BROWN & BLACKS Product Name | C.I. No. | Novactsolv Malachite Base | Solvent Green 1 | Novactsolv Green G | Solvent Green 3 | Novactsolv Fluo. Green 8G | Solvent Green
5 | Novactsolv Green T | Solvent Green 7 | Novactsolv Brown R | Solvent Brown 12 | Novactsolv Brown G | Solvent Brown 41 | Novactsolv Brown 2RL | Solvent Brown 43 | Novactsolv Brown R | Solvent Brown 53 | Novactsolv Black 2B | Solvent Black 3 | Novactsolv Black BR | Solvent Black 5 | Novactsolv
Black NB | Solvent Black 7 |